
ubaldo franceschini biography .

   dear misters

may I introduce you myself , unfortunately in frenglish , because I am half italian and half french

MY name is Ubaldo Franceschini , I was born in firenze ( toscany Italy) in 1966  , my parents were belonging to the italian bourgeoisie and were painting just like an hobby , in my family we use to paint since generations since our ancester " il volteranno" who was a great firenze painter in the rennaissance

after my studies in beaux-arts in Paris where my parents move after their bankrupt , we were living in a kind of autarcism , between french and european artists , like jean tinguely , nicky de saint phalle , and gerard schneider belonging to pierre soulages abstract painting group , europeans action painting leaders

of course at 25 years old it was quite impossible to have money as a young artist especially in old europa , so I waste 15 years of my life without painting , just beiing a top model for all kind of hight fashion revues like vogue , l'officiel etc

at the end as anyone in this earth , I became unfortunately too old to continue my model carrer
`that's was the biggest luck which happens in my life ( including my dreamy jet lag life all arround the world during my model life)

I naturaly rediscover the pleasure of colors , with tinny and delicate slides of colors like the antiques artist did